Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I am looking at the destruction that Sandy has caused on the East coast.  It is particularly upsetting to me,  because right now all of my family are without power, possibly for the next 10 days.  The devastation  of the homes in areas I know so well is just too sad.  I am glad my family's homes are safe, but I don't like the idea that they have no power and limited food.

The destruction of Seaside NJ's famous boardwalk makes me sad, as I spent all of my teen years at the Jersey Shore.  So many places that were always there, from even before I was aware of the beach,  are gone.

The destruction of the  world famous Atlantic City boardwalk,  which I have walked hundreds of times, and is the backdrop to many amazing casinos is unfathomable to me.  

There is about 80 billion in damages and approximately 30-40 dead. 
We always hear that California is going to suffer amazing damage from earthquakes, and my mother always asks me to move back "home."  I wonder if really, there truly is a safe place to live, when it comes to Mother Nature. 

Sandy.......JUST BITE ME you bitch.

Monday, October 29, 2012

My thoughts today are on the group of turncoats who have self aborted themselves from the LGBT community this year by endorsing Mitt Romney,  the worst and most dangerous Presidential candidate to  the gay community since Regan.  LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS.  They identify as a group of fiscal conservatives and yammer on every chance they get about instigating the lawsuit against DADT.

Although they come in all shapes sizes and colors, they are, as far as I can see, predominantly white, well to do, suited gays with stringent coffee breath.  They are supporting someone who has already said out loud that he will make hospital visitation rights for same sex partners a benefit, probably decided by the states , rather than a right.

He of course, does not support marriage equality, and has blocked birth certificates for children of same sex parents in his sate of Massachusetts.

I could go on and on about him, but if you know me you already know that I despise this creature.  If you don't know me, now you do.  He is evil personified.  He is threatening the future of the gay rights movement. He will send us back farther than Bush did.

Yet, still, there are GAY REPUBLICANS.  CAN YOU EXPLAIN THIS TO ME?  How  does someone decide to say,  "Fuck my community, fuck what we have accomplished.  I am going to lick the asses of the people in a party that do not want me !"

If you have a Log Cabin Republican acquaintance, I no longer suggest an open dialogue with them.  I no longer suggest respecting their side.  They are not respecting your rights and are like Jews leading other Jews to the gas chambers, in return for a few crumbs to be tossed their way.  (I was demoted  as administrator from a gay facebook group this week for saying so)

Unlike self loathers, I do not want crumbs.  I want a whole slice of pie.  In fact give me the whole damn pie!