Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
More than 30 years ago today, a coward killed Harvey Milk. Although Harvey's body may have died, his spirit and legacy will forever be engraved in anything that has to do with the LGBT movement. He loved people, and just wanted equality. He is loved by many who knew him and even more that have never met him.
Thank you Mr. Milk.
Monday, November 26, 2012
WHY, is the city with 4 of its 5 elected council members, and nearly 42% of its population identifying as gay, and a female elected councilmember identifying as a pro-choice feminist, still allowing this gay and women's rights intolerant organization to collect money in the parking lot of Pavillions? I don't like the excuse that there is no control over who collects funds outside of any store. If an elected council can control who can't use plastic bags, who can't smoke and who can't take bottles and cans out of the trash in order to buy food with the deposit refunds, then certainly they can find a way to control the collecting of funds for an organization that supports a strong anti-gay and anti-choice agenda under the guise of christian values. Would the KKK be allowed to collect here? Would white supremacist Nazi wannabees be allowed to collect here?
Who answers for this?
Who answers for this?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
ALL IN ONE DAY........
Friday, November 24. Exciting day. The Friday after Thanksgiving, the day that we all eat like sows and are thankful for the people and things in our lives.
Several weeks ago NBC News contacted me to do a "feel good" story of hope with them. I was so excited. They chose The Tweakers Project, (, facebook group the tweakers project), as their story of hope! They would call and tell me when they needed to shoot. No worries. I have, over the years of living in the "Hollywood" part of the world, learned to take every offer with a grain of salt. So I half believed it, but wholeheartedly hoped!
It was true. Mary Smith, the reporter called me and scheduled it for Friday. I was like, "Sure that's cool!"
FRIDAY....BLACK FRIDAY...the day every queen is out pushing, shoving and buying their way to happiness. Friday, the day after I had been with friends all day and into the night
. Friday, the day that someone I have been with for more than 2 years, had to leave to go back to Mexico. He came here for safety to live with family, as the drug cartel was getting too close to his village and his parents feared for his well being. He was here two years, and from a one night stand became the person I knew was always going to have a kind word. He was a lot younger than a lot younger. I mentioned him dozens of times on my radio show DONKEY PUNCH. I talked about him to some of my closer friends. I introduced him to Lilly, the Dachshund that runs my apartment.
I kept him to myself mostly. I am so community involved, and am lucky enough to not be able to walk down the street without running into someone that I am friends with, that I decided I wanted one part of my life for myself. Something private, and someone that was not going to get mad when someone in politics did something I didn't like or some other activist was in favor of something I didn't agree with.
He was just pure joy. I didn't call him for four months at one point, because I, in my head, thought I was preventing him from meeting someone his own age. He texted me and called me almost daily during that time. It killed me not to call back, but I thought I was doing the right thing.
Finally , after much prodding from a friend I gave in and called. He was so happy and not the least bit mad. He simply said "I am so happy to hear from you, you are the best man I have ever met." I nearly melted. We spent a lot of time together after that. He went to school during the day and worked at night, but he would come over after work and sleep over. We both knew the day was coming when he was headed back to his "village" to be with his mom and dad and brothers. We both knew it would be before Christmas. Finally we both knew what day it would be.
Of course it was the day we were filming. Of course, because nothing is ever simple. He came over that morning, (we filmed at 2 pm) and he stayed till 1:30. After the longest hug, we took the last elevator ride on this part of our journey together , to the lobby of my building. I walked him outside as the sun blinded us. We hugged for fifteen minutes, and he said "Goodbye Papi, thank you for being such a kind man, I will miss you more than anyone here." One more kiss and he started to walk to the Blvd. to catch the bus back to his apartment. I watched as his perfect little butt got smaller and smaller as he went further and further away. He turned two times and waved and blew a kiss.
I became overwhelmingly sad. I was grateful to have had time with him. I was grateful for him never being angry at anything and always laughing. It was a dose of unaffected innocence into my now, long ago, jaded life.
I will try to go to Mexico. He will try to come back here to visit. I just hope he doesn't have the pain of isolation, as he lives in a tiny village with nothing gay to do. I headed up to my apartment , to go and sulk the whole day. The phone rang.
It was NBC. They were here. I forgot about them. I visined my eyes, altoided my breath, and Axed myself into a fog. There was no time for sulking. We filmed for 4 hours. Sometimes things happen exactly at the right moment. SOMETIMES THAT IS.

Several weeks ago NBC News contacted me to do a "feel good" story of hope with them. I was so excited. They chose The Tweakers Project, (, facebook group the tweakers project), as their story of hope! They would call and tell me when they needed to shoot. No worries. I have, over the years of living in the "Hollywood" part of the world, learned to take every offer with a grain of salt. So I half believed it, but wholeheartedly hoped!
It was true. Mary Smith, the reporter called me and scheduled it for Friday. I was like, "Sure that's cool!"
FRIDAY....BLACK FRIDAY...the day every queen is out pushing, shoving and buying their way to happiness. Friday, the day after I had been with friends all day and into the night
. Friday, the day that someone I have been with for more than 2 years, had to leave to go back to Mexico. He came here for safety to live with family, as the drug cartel was getting too close to his village and his parents feared for his well being. He was here two years, and from a one night stand became the person I knew was always going to have a kind word. He was a lot younger than a lot younger. I mentioned him dozens of times on my radio show DONKEY PUNCH. I talked about him to some of my closer friends. I introduced him to Lilly, the Dachshund that runs my apartment.
I kept him to myself mostly. I am so community involved, and am lucky enough to not be able to walk down the street without running into someone that I am friends with, that I decided I wanted one part of my life for myself. Something private, and someone that was not going to get mad when someone in politics did something I didn't like or some other activist was in favor of something I didn't agree with.
He was just pure joy. I didn't call him for four months at one point, because I, in my head, thought I was preventing him from meeting someone his own age. He texted me and called me almost daily during that time. It killed me not to call back, but I thought I was doing the right thing.
Finally , after much prodding from a friend I gave in and called. He was so happy and not the least bit mad. He simply said "I am so happy to hear from you, you are the best man I have ever met." I nearly melted. We spent a lot of time together after that. He went to school during the day and worked at night, but he would come over after work and sleep over. We both knew the day was coming when he was headed back to his "village" to be with his mom and dad and brothers. We both knew it would be before Christmas. Finally we both knew what day it would be.
Of course it was the day we were filming. Of course, because nothing is ever simple. He came over that morning, (we filmed at 2 pm) and he stayed till 1:30. After the longest hug, we took the last elevator ride on this part of our journey together , to the lobby of my building. I walked him outside as the sun blinded us. We hugged for fifteen minutes, and he said "Goodbye Papi, thank you for being such a kind man, I will miss you more than anyone here." One more kiss and he started to walk to the Blvd. to catch the bus back to his apartment. I watched as his perfect little butt got smaller and smaller as he went further and further away. He turned two times and waved and blew a kiss.
I became overwhelmingly sad. I was grateful to have had time with him. I was grateful for him never being angry at anything and always laughing. It was a dose of unaffected innocence into my now, long ago, jaded life.
I will try to go to Mexico. He will try to come back here to visit. I just hope he doesn't have the pain of isolation, as he lives in a tiny village with nothing gay to do. I headed up to my apartment , to go and sulk the whole day. The phone rang.
It was NBC. They were here. I forgot about them. I visined my eyes, altoided my breath, and Axed myself into a fog. There was no time for sulking. We filmed for 4 hours. Sometimes things happen exactly at the right moment. SOMETIMES THAT IS.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Read more:
The "Cannibal Cop" had his own twist for a Thanksgiving dinner this year — cooking up “some girl meat,” prosecutors revealed Tuesday.
Gilberto Valle, 28 — who allegedly kept a database of at least 100 women he plotted to rape, cook and eat — planned the freakish feast with one of his online conspirators earlier this year, prosecutors said.
“I’m planning on getting me some girl meat,” he wrote to his pal on Feb. 9.
“Really tell me more,” responded the friend.
“It’s this November, for Thanksgiving. It’s a long way off but I’m getting the plan in motion now,” Valle wrote.
“She’s not a volunteer. She has to be abducted. I know where she lives. I will grab her from her house.”
The conversation, which federal investigators recently found on Valle’s computer, was presented to a judge during the wacko cop’s third bail hearing.
The evidence was enough for Judge Paul Gardephe to deny bail — forcing Valle, who worked in the 26th Precinct in Harlem, to settle for a cheap jailhouse turkey dinner.
“There is nothing about this case that is rational,” Gardephe said at the hearing. “It is depraved, bizarre and aberrational, and at the moment it is unexplainable — especially by someone who is a police officer.”
Valle’s defense lawyer, Julia Gatto, described the conversations as “deviant sexual talk” and “disturbing, sick,” but said they were just fantasy.
“It will take a while, but I’ll be out,” Valle told his mother as he was escorted out of the courtroom.
“Don’t worry, I’m still strong. Stay strong,” his mother said.
“I will,” said Valle.
Valle, of Queens, faces a maximum of life in prison for conspiracy to commit kidnapping.
He’s also looking at up to five years behind bars for accessing the National Crime Information Center database without authorization to compile dossiers on his victims.
Valle is locked up in a special housing unit at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where he spends most of his time in solitary confinement.
His case is slated to go to trial on Jan. 22.
Read more:
Monday, November 19, 2012
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......I go to the retina specialist because my eyes are always feeling like there is a sandblaster aiming at them. After shooting dye into my veins, that made me pee green for two days, then putting my head into a machine with blinding light aiming at m eye balls, he has told me I know longer make enough tears. I guess he doesn't understand that big girls don't cry.
He prescribes drops for my eyes called restasis. They are supposed to make you cry. They cost $300.00 a month to do this. I told my BF when I got home. He leaned over and grabbed my nipple and twisted it. My eyes filled with water. He said ,"Papi, I can make you cry for $150.00 a month." He's just swell.
Is there any question as to why I am out of tears?
He prescribes drops for my eyes called restasis. They are supposed to make you cry. They cost $300.00 a month to do this. I told my BF when I got home. He leaned over and grabbed my nipple and twisted it. My eyes filled with water. He said ,"Papi, I can make you cry for $150.00 a month." He's just swell.
Is there any question as to why I am out of tears?
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Twinkies , the sponge-like chemical cake, filled with a non natural anything, Vaseline like sweetened creme are no longer available. The bakers unions have prevented 18000 workers from returning to work to make these american icon snack cakes.
They aren't available anywhere, trust me I've searched! They are currently selling on Ebay for hundreds of dollars per box.
Who knew that the white trash of the snack cake world, once dismissed as nothing more than murder defense tools (see "twinkie defense" for that gruesome day in LGBT history) are now worth their weight in diamonds.
I was a fan. I didn't love them, but I liked them. I dated a guy who thought it was hysterical to put his rammer into them and surprise me when I got into bed. Funny. He is dead now. Non twinkie related.
They were going to be my lifesaver if the "big one" hit. They were rumored to last 100 years without rotting. I was going to get my earthquake supply kit, and load it with twinkies, but no more. I guess I will have water and tuna. The mainstay diet of every queen in Weho.
If you feel generous and find one, send it to me. I swear I will treasure it. Remember , it's always better to give than to receive.
They aren't available anywhere, trust me I've searched! They are currently selling on Ebay for hundreds of dollars per box.
Who knew that the white trash of the snack cake world, once dismissed as nothing more than murder defense tools (see "twinkie defense" for that gruesome day in LGBT history) are now worth their weight in diamonds.
I was a fan. I didn't love them, but I liked them. I dated a guy who thought it was hysterical to put his rammer into them and surprise me when I got into bed. Funny. He is dead now. Non twinkie related.
They were going to be my lifesaver if the "big one" hit. They were rumored to last 100 years without rotting. I was going to get my earthquake supply kit, and load it with twinkies, but no more. I guess I will have water and tuna. The mainstay diet of every queen in Weho.
If you feel generous and find one, send it to me. I swear I will treasure it. Remember , it's always better to give than to receive.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
JUST BITE ME.....: SOOOO........I am sitting in my squeaky chair in t...
JUST BITE ME.....: SOOOO........I am sitting in my squeaky chair in t...: SOOOO........I am sitting in my squeaky chair in the community room at West Hollywood City Hall, attending my commission meeting. Human Ser...
SOOOO........I am sitting in my squeaky chair in the community room at West Hollywood City Hall, attending my commission meeting. Human Services dontcha' know? It was a small meeting, with several commissioners not present. We were treated to some public speakers, and presentations from some of the West Hollywood service providers. It was relatively simple, great presentations and reports.
There were a few people in the audience. One of them was current West Hollywood Mayor Jeff Prang. He left for a moment, and came back to what I believe has been my most upsetting moment while on this commission.
How this system works, is that the service providers come in to speak to the commission , telling us their goals and answering several questions that they have been sent earlier. We heard from several, and it was about legal services tonight. Everything was going fine, and I was just sitting there listening intently, trying to be a good commissioner UNTIL IT WAS THE LA GAY AND LESBIAN CENTER'S TURN.
Roger Coggan, the Director of Legal Services at the LAGLC, seems to be a very even tempered, and by all accounts, non dramatic representative from their very popular legal department. He began with the usual formalities, and thanked the city for our ongoing support of the Center's programming. He is a fair skinned gentleman, with a shaved head. As he was speaking, his neck began to turn red. It traveled up his neck to his face and cheeks, and forehead.
Now I have been around many types of people when this happens. Some are shy, some are snorting coke and some are doing poppers. THIS WAS NONE OF THAT. This gentleman was describing to the Commission the abuse that they see on non white gay clients of theirs at the hands of OUR OWN WEST HOLLYWOOD SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT. He went on to let us know, AND YES MAYOR JEFF PRANG WAS STILL IN THE ROOM, that it was non existent or rare for white gay clients, and THE WEST HOLLYWOOD SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT WAS WORSE THAN THE LAPD.
This is the same sheriffs department that we are lead to believe are so understanding and so kind with our community. This is the sheriffs department that is lauded by our Council and City Managers department. This is the sheriffs department, that is supposed to be second to none. Well tonight, 5 commissioners, a Mayor, and staff heard and recorded that this is BULLSHIT. Roger was gentleman enough to preface this with that he realizes that the city can't control all that the sheriffs department does. I, INTO MY MIC, VERY SHARPLY DISAGREED WITH HIM, almost as if to let him know it is fine that he was telling us the truth, and we wanted to hear it.
He told us that there were examples such as a young non white gay male, being handcuffed and then hit with a baton. Then clearly, one officer didn't like what one of his detainees was wearing, and kept alluding to and asking him if he was undocumented and illegal. HEY COPPER, MOVE TO ARIZONA IF THIS IS YOUR MODUS APERANDI BECAUSE WE DON'T ROLL THIS WAY IN WEHO.
He then went on to tell of his disgust and frustration, but at this point my heart was pounding so loudly I couldn't hear a lot more.
When it was my turn to speak, and after seeing the disgust on the other commissioners faces, I assured him that indeed the city could have more control over this, and THAT WE HAVE 5 VERY CAPABLE AND INTERESTED ELECTED CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, who should be looking at this, like yesterday.
Mayor Prang could not speak on this as it wasn't agendized, but he asked Roger to contact him tomorrow. I hope he does. I hope also that my Council member John Duran does. I hope Council member Abbe Land as well as John Heilman does, and last but not least I hope Council member John D'Amico demands info and answers on this.
There has been buzz in the gay community of a sheriff being on duty that is so abusive he has to have a camera film his every action. I do not know if this is true, but if it is, this sheriff needs a long vacation, at a far away place. WAY FAR AWAY....LIKE UGANDA WHERE IT IS LEGAL TO HARM GAY FOLKS. His type of policing would fare well there.
I will be of course speaking on this at the next council meeting during my two minutes , as I suspect others will. I hope there is an investigation on this. There were several instances described not an isolated one. And quite frankly an isolated one is one too many for me to be comfortable with.
As a side note, when I was visiting the LA County jail downtown every month, in the gay and transgender dorms, there was verbal abuse being spewed at the inmates by the guards, while I was there. Words like poof. fag queer and sissy. I thought to myself, thank the stars I live in a city where this could never happen. I GUESS I WAS WRONG. WAY WRONG.
There were a few people in the audience. One of them was current West Hollywood Mayor Jeff Prang. He left for a moment, and came back to what I believe has been my most upsetting moment while on this commission.
How this system works, is that the service providers come in to speak to the commission , telling us their goals and answering several questions that they have been sent earlier. We heard from several, and it was about legal services tonight. Everything was going fine, and I was just sitting there listening intently, trying to be a good commissioner UNTIL IT WAS THE LA GAY AND LESBIAN CENTER'S TURN.
Roger Coggan, the Director of Legal Services at the LAGLC, seems to be a very even tempered, and by all accounts, non dramatic representative from their very popular legal department. He began with the usual formalities, and thanked the city for our ongoing support of the Center's programming. He is a fair skinned gentleman, with a shaved head. As he was speaking, his neck began to turn red. It traveled up his neck to his face and cheeks, and forehead.
Now I have been around many types of people when this happens. Some are shy, some are snorting coke and some are doing poppers. THIS WAS NONE OF THAT. This gentleman was describing to the Commission the abuse that they see on non white gay clients of theirs at the hands of OUR OWN WEST HOLLYWOOD SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT. He went on to let us know, AND YES MAYOR JEFF PRANG WAS STILL IN THE ROOM, that it was non existent or rare for white gay clients, and THE WEST HOLLYWOOD SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT WAS WORSE THAN THE LAPD.
This is the same sheriffs department that we are lead to believe are so understanding and so kind with our community. This is the sheriffs department that is lauded by our Council and City Managers department. This is the sheriffs department, that is supposed to be second to none. Well tonight, 5 commissioners, a Mayor, and staff heard and recorded that this is BULLSHIT. Roger was gentleman enough to preface this with that he realizes that the city can't control all that the sheriffs department does. I, INTO MY MIC, VERY SHARPLY DISAGREED WITH HIM, almost as if to let him know it is fine that he was telling us the truth, and we wanted to hear it.
He told us that there were examples such as a young non white gay male, being handcuffed and then hit with a baton. Then clearly, one officer didn't like what one of his detainees was wearing, and kept alluding to and asking him if he was undocumented and illegal. HEY COPPER, MOVE TO ARIZONA IF THIS IS YOUR MODUS APERANDI BECAUSE WE DON'T ROLL THIS WAY IN WEHO.
He then went on to tell of his disgust and frustration, but at this point my heart was pounding so loudly I couldn't hear a lot more.
When it was my turn to speak, and after seeing the disgust on the other commissioners faces, I assured him that indeed the city could have more control over this, and THAT WE HAVE 5 VERY CAPABLE AND INTERESTED ELECTED CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, who should be looking at this, like yesterday.
Mayor Prang could not speak on this as it wasn't agendized, but he asked Roger to contact him tomorrow. I hope he does. I hope also that my Council member John Duran does. I hope Council member Abbe Land as well as John Heilman does, and last but not least I hope Council member John D'Amico demands info and answers on this.
There has been buzz in the gay community of a sheriff being on duty that is so abusive he has to have a camera film his every action. I do not know if this is true, but if it is, this sheriff needs a long vacation, at a far away place. WAY FAR AWAY....LIKE UGANDA WHERE IT IS LEGAL TO HARM GAY FOLKS. His type of policing would fare well there.
I will be of course speaking on this at the next council meeting during my two minutes , as I suspect others will. I hope there is an investigation on this. There were several instances described not an isolated one. And quite frankly an isolated one is one too many for me to be comfortable with.
As a side note, when I was visiting the LA County jail downtown every month, in the gay and transgender dorms, there was verbal abuse being spewed at the inmates by the guards, while I was there. Words like poof. fag queer and sissy. I thought to myself, thank the stars I live in a city where this could never happen. I GUESS I WAS WRONG. WAY WRONG.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
By now we have all been inundated with news and pictures or the horrors of SANDY, devastating the now lazy season of the vibrant Jersey Shore, and of course NYC and other areas of Jersey. It is one thing to see and hear about it on the news and if you haven't ever been there to still feel pity, angst and sadness for all of the affected people and more than 90 fatalities.
It is something way different to be intimately familiar with these areas. I spent almost all of my teen years at the shore on beach block of Seaside Heights. We stayed almost the entire summer, and I have more memories than I can count on from there.
It was a different world although only like an hour or so from our home in Northern NJ. The smell of the wood on the boardwalk and cotton candy, and sausage and pepper sandwiches along with pizza and zeppoles, are so distinctly burned into my memory. The beach, and tanning all day only to go out and drink or maybe get high at night and then sit under the no more existing boardwalk, laughing and acting like teens do.
Even though I think of West Hollywood as my real home, Jersey is my birth home. The shore was what I knew, and I knew it well. I knew every street, was at the famous Jersey Shore house from the MTV hit show many times, and was a regular at their Shore Store. The smell of coconut oil , the seagulls flocking at us as we threw cheeze doodles to them, and me writing BIG FAG on my buddies chest in suntan lotion while he slept , so it was "tan tattooed" on him for a week, are all unforgettable memories for me.
I am still friends with many of these people, some on facebook and others I get to see once in a while when they travel through Cali or I go to Jersey. We remember Fleetwood Mac playing as a backdrop along with disco hits as the new trend. I remember the roller coaster that is now a pile of scrap metal, and the log flume which I think is also crumbled. .
There is way too much to write. I only pray that there once again is a boardwalk and shore for others to enjoy. My dad was a child there, as was I and my siblings. I hope many other generations get to experience the Jersey Shore again. It is a treasure that cannot be duplicated anywhere else. And to my friends in NYC, where I was a teacher for 5 years, I pray that you are safe and sound as soon as can be.
I am grateful though., that although my family is without power, they are all together, have food and have no flood damage. They are sort of trapped as the roads are closed and there is a strict 7 pm curfew. They have been told there will be no power till next Thursday. I text them every day as they have no house phone service, and are charging their cells in the cars. We are in touch daily and that is a good thing.
By now we have all been inundated with news and pictures or the horrors of SANDY, devastating the now lazy season of the vibrant Jersey Shore, and of course NYC and other areas of Jersey. It is one thing to see and hear about it on the news and if you haven't ever been there to still feel pity, angst and sadness for all of the affected people and more than 90 fatalities.
It is something way different to be intimately familiar with these areas. I spent almost all of my teen years at the shore on beach block of Seaside Heights. We stayed almost the entire summer, and I have more memories than I can count on from there.
It was a different world although only like an hour or so from our home in Northern NJ. The smell of the wood on the boardwalk and cotton candy, and sausage and pepper sandwiches along with pizza and zeppoles, are so distinctly burned into my memory. The beach, and tanning all day only to go out and drink or maybe get high at night and then sit under the no more existing boardwalk, laughing and acting like teens do.
Even though I think of West Hollywood as my real home, Jersey is my birth home. The shore was what I knew, and I knew it well. I knew every street, was at the famous Jersey Shore house from the MTV hit show many times, and was a regular at their Shore Store. The smell of coconut oil , the seagulls flocking at us as we threw cheeze doodles to them, and me writing BIG FAG on my buddies chest in suntan lotion while he slept , so it was "tan tattooed" on him for a week, are all unforgettable memories for me.
I am still friends with many of these people, some on facebook and others I get to see once in a while when they travel through Cali or I go to Jersey. We remember Fleetwood Mac playing as a backdrop along with disco hits as the new trend. I remember the roller coaster that is now a pile of scrap metal, and the log flume which I think is also crumbled. .
There is way too much to write. I only pray that there once again is a boardwalk and shore for others to enjoy. My dad was a child there, as was I and my siblings. I hope many other generations get to experience the Jersey Shore again. It is a treasure that cannot be duplicated anywhere else. And to my friends in NYC, where I was a teacher for 5 years, I pray that you are safe and sound as soon as can be.
I am grateful though., that although my family is without power, they are all together, have food and have no flood damage. They are sort of trapped as the roads are closed and there is a strict 7 pm curfew. They have been told there will be no power till next Thursday. I text them every day as they have no house phone service, and are charging their cells in the cars. We are in touch daily and that is a good thing.
It was released by Mayor Jeffrey Prang (don't be too impressed, it's a rotational titled held by 4 of the current Council members multiple, sometimes many multiple times), that the city spent nearly 1 million dollars for tonight's fright fest, without recouping any of that. In other words, it's a one million dollar event that generates little if any income. If his stats are true, and they are check-able if interested, just not by me, cause I am not that interested.
What this city squanders money on has always been suspect by the residents , from the approximate 100K for a Bookfair that serves many non West Hollywood residents, and by some accounts, at the cost of $57 per visitor. The Human Rights Speaker series, has always been a cricket fest, with mostly the same 45 (if that) people attending, with hard costs of a suggested $9000. And we can't forget The Rainbow Key Awards. Had it not been for one of the former members, they would have cost the Lesbian and Gay Advisory board another 7-9000k of their budget in hotel rental, meals awards and invitations, along with what seems like a non bid filming fee paid to one of its own members one year.
I say this not in anger. All city's have programs, and they don't always need to generate money. Sometimes they are for the enjoyment of the public.
Here are some other things 1 million could do for the public of West Hollywood
1 million could put an elevator into the Werle Building and fix damages on the second floor to make it an open space for gay community members, (since this city is aprox 42% gay) yet has no provided "gay space".
It could provide Social Services with an abundance of options, like capital improvements on our aged existing recovery houses. There are no new beds. We need to keep the buildings that house the beds we have, in repair.
Maybe 1 million could put some more sheriffs on duty, to prevent some of the unknown, unreported or under the radar hate crime violence.
Pay for a code enforcement officer or two. Or three or four.
Provide extra emergency rent assistance for those in trouble financially because of loss of employment.
I know these are all silly things. A street fair is much more of a need. It couldn't possibly be a half million dollar party. That wouldn't do. This is West Hollywood. Where money is spent like monopoly money, and the deciding officials simply keep playing decades of musical chairs.
I had fun though. I took some vids. Enjoy them.
Now Just Bite Me
It was released by Mayor Jeffrey Prang (don't be too impressed, it's a rotational titled held by 4 of the current Council members multiple, sometimes many multiple times), that the city spent nearly 1 million dollars for tonight's fright fest, without recouping any of that. In other words, it's a one million dollar event that generates little if any income. If his stats are true, and they are check-able if interested, just not by me, cause I am not that interested.
What this city squanders money on has always been suspect by the residents , from the approximate 100K for a Bookfair that serves many non West Hollywood residents, and by some accounts, at the cost of $57 per visitor. The Human Rights Speaker series, has always been a cricket fest, with mostly the same 45 (if that) people attending, with hard costs of a suggested $9000. And we can't forget The Rainbow Key Awards. Had it not been for one of the former members, they would have cost the Lesbian and Gay Advisory board another 7-9000k of their budget in hotel rental, meals awards and invitations, along with what seems like a non bid filming fee paid to one of its own members one year.
I say this not in anger. All city's have programs, and they don't always need to generate money. Sometimes they are for the enjoyment of the public.
Here are some other things 1 million could do for the public of West Hollywood
1 million could put an elevator into the Werle Building and fix damages on the second floor to make it an open space for gay community members, (since this city is aprox 42% gay) yet has no provided "gay space".
It could provide Social Services with an abundance of options, like capital improvements on our aged existing recovery houses. There are no new beds. We need to keep the buildings that house the beds we have, in repair.
Maybe 1 million could put some more sheriffs on duty, to prevent some of the unknown, unreported or under the radar hate crime violence.
Pay for a code enforcement officer or two. Or three or four.
Provide extra emergency rent assistance for those in trouble financially because of loss of employment.
I know these are all silly things. A street fair is much more of a need. It couldn't possibly be a half million dollar party. That wouldn't do. This is West Hollywood. Where money is spent like monopoly money, and the deciding officials simply keep playing decades of musical chairs.
I had fun though. I took some vids. Enjoy them.
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