Wednesday, December 10, 2014


JUST BITE ME.....: LILLY'S STORY....PART 4...LILLY DOESN'T LIKE GENTL...: I originally thought I would do 3 or 4 parts to this blog and tell about Lilly and my life with her.  I now don't know  how may I will w...


JUST BITE ME.....: LILLY'S STORY....PART 4...LILLY DOESN'T LIKE GENTL...: I originally thought I would do 3 or 4 parts to this blog and tell about Lilly and my life with her.  I now don't know  how may I will w...


I originally thought I would do 3 or 4 parts to this blog and tell about Lilly and my life with her.  I now don't know  how may I will write.  I will know when to stop, just like I knew when to say goodbye to her.  Maybe I am not ready to say goodbye again yet, so I will just keep writing and sharing with you.

When Lilly's other dad left, after a period of time and adjustment, I thought I'd start dating and hopefully find a different "other dad" for her.  It seemed like a smart idea, as I,  at the time had never been without a partner, and wasn't feeling like I could be a single guy forever.  Also, there are three to a "pack" and she was showing signs of sadness over her pack breaking up.

Where to start.  I met Lilly's other dad on a "hook up" site for just  a one night stand.  That lasted 8 years, so I thought I'd do that again.  Things changed a lot in eight years (including me). I wanted to make sure I found just the right "step dad" for her, so I went by the rule of "practice makes perfect.....".

Lilly seemed to instinctively  know that Adam 4 Adam was not going to be the place.  I would even show her who was coming over, holding her up to the laptop asking what she thought.  I swear this is true.  She never had any interest and just would jump off my lap.  When my practice dads would show up, she would get a Mohawk down her back, and mad dog them until I could get her into the other room.  This went on for a while, until I finally
met someone worthwhile.  It wasn't from a site, it was just a chance meeting.  Lilly didn't like him right away.  He was patient as I told him how important she was to me.

One night about a month into knowing him,  he came over as usual to pick me up for dinner.  Up until this point she had been  indifferent with him.  He was patient and persistent and always was  attentive to her.  For some reason, this time when he came into Lilly's apartment, she said "Hello" to him  in her guttural voice that  I have told you about.

He did a double take, as he thought I was teasing him  about her talking.  He laughed so hard, and she wagged her tail, for the first time with him.  He knelt down and she kissed his face.  Since this was a big deal to him, he asked if we could order in, as he wanted to take advantage of this new progress.

He talked back to her in the same type of voice, and she jumped into his lap.  This was a huge change, and I thought well, maybe this is her step dad.  The truth is, he was handsome, sweet, fun, and now liked by Lilly.  I just hate to say this, but the first guy you date after an 8 year marriage is never going to be the one.  I made a lot of mistakes, and just wasn't putting in a lot of effort.

Obviously, it was just Lilly and I again.


Friday, December 5, 2014


JUST BITE ME.....: LILLY'S STORY....Part 3: After a while, Lilly was out of harms way health wise, although I am convinced that the toxic baths affected her health in the long term.  T...


JUST BITE ME.....: LILLY'S STORY....Part 3: After a while, Lilly was out of harms way health wise, although I am convinced that the toxic baths affected her health in the long term.  T...


After a while, Lilly was out of harms way health wise, although I am convinced that the toxic baths affected her health in the long term.  There is no other treatment when the mange is that bad, so we had no options.

She was very comfortable in HER new home with her two dads.  My ex loved her, and spoiled her like I have never seen before.   He never had a dog, and told me he didn't realize how much he could actually love one.   He would leave for the office int the morning, and I'd write all day at home , with Lilly on my lap.  I played with her or touched her constantly, to reassure her that she was loved.

  When my ex came home he kissed her hello first all of the time, because she demanded it, which made me laugh.  She literally learned how to say hello, in a very guttural voice and did it probably 25 times a day.  People would always be in shock the first time they heard it.

She became a little bit of a celebrity in my area, and most  knew her, and loved her.  She even made the inside cover of the Chamber of Commerce's Yearly Book.  So many of my neighbors would ask me if they could keep her, or kidnap her when I wasn't around.  One day the Mayor was giving a speech at the park.  Every time he spoke into the mic Lilly barked at him.  The audience began to laugh, and he finally  responded with, "Well, seemingly, Jimmy  is not the only princess in the Palmieri
home."  With so many people knowing her and where we lived I always felt safe, in that if by some accident she ran out a door she would be brought back to me immediately.  Oh, she also had 2 name tags, a chip, a city tag, a county tag and a collar with our number on it.  I'm Italian.  We are overprotective by nature.

What many people don't know, is that I have a chronic disorder that I was born with that requires me to have a transfusion every 4 weeks.  I am not telling this for sympathy, believe me I played that card to death as a kid.  I am telling you this because of Lilly's reactions.  The treatment  arrives in a Styrofoam cooler wrapped in ice blocks.  She would start  to sniff as soon as the courier would  leave.  I noticed she would pace whenever this was delivered and get very clingy to me.  The next day a nurse comes to my home and for 7 hours I receive this treatment.  Lilly has never snapped, snarled or growled a single  time in her life.  When the nurses would arrive, she would block them from getting to me, in a sort of playful, but focused way.  When they would prep my arms, she would jump on my lap, and never bite them, but push their hands away from me with her snout.  They would laugh and call her "Miss Lilly, the biggest little guard dog ever."  She then would lay next to me and not move for the entire 7 hours, except to prevent the nurses from taking my blood pressure or temperature.  This week was very very hard for me, as it was the first time in 12 years that  I didn't have my little guard with me, and my nurse was so sad herself, that she started cleaning.  This is a chemo certified nurse, and she was cleaning my apartment, to occupy her and my mind.  Love her.  We got through it.  We sometimes have no choices in this life.

Lilly's two  dads really loved each other.  It was a very happy home.  As things go though, we grew apart.  Sometimes there are just unpreventable things that happen that cannot be reversed.  There are things in this life, that we wish we could un-see.  That of course is not reality.  No, there was no cheating.  Sometimes, other factors are involved.

We divorced, which by the way, sending my check to the Attorney General to dissolve our partnership, was not a party for me at all.  I told my now ex,  that I had more time to spend with Lilly than he did, and he agreed.  He moved out, but came to visit her quite a bit.  She, however, would lay by the door when he left crying for him to come back.  When this kept going on, I asked him to please not visit her, as she stares at the door waiting and crying, and it couldn't be healthy for her.  He respected my wishes, and I am grateful for that forever.  We were together for 8 years, and a family with Lilly for 4 years I think.  I have nothing but amazing thoughts of him, and wherever he is, I always pray that he is well.

Lilly and I got used to the fact, that her other dad was gone.  I had to develop some type of life after that.

Lilly's story,.....Part 4 tomorrow.  Lilly is not fond of gentleman callers......

Thursday, December 4, 2014


JUST BITE ME.....: LILLY'S STORY....PART 2: "Why did you buy this dog?", "she is dying."  That was what the vet said to me as I brought my new puppy into the office...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


JUST BITE ME.....: LILLY'S STORY....PART 2: "Why did you buy this dog?", "she is dying."  That was what the vet said to me as I brought my new puppy into the office...


"Why did you buy this dog?", "she is dying."  That was what the vet said to me as I brought my new puppy into the office directly from the pet store.  He told me that  she had generalized demodectic mange, but to the point that he didn't think he could treat her and have her survive.  

"Please just do what has to be done to make her well.  I know she wants to live." I said.  He explained he had to scrub off the scabs on her skin, she had to have very toxic baths of a chemical called mitaban every week, and it would be costly.  

"When do we start?" I asked.  He told me she was totally dehydrated and had to be on IV's immediately.  I stayed with her till she had them.  He then explained, that she had ear infections, tooth infections, etc. etc. We treated those with antibiotics, and I was to cover her with a soothing cream 2x a day.  I could do that. After the antibiotics were through he would begin the toxic baths. 

I knew she was used to a cage, and I didn't want to shock her totally, so I went to buy her one that I would fill with blankets and her feet wouldn't fall through or be bruised on the metal anymore.  The problem was that since  she was so small, even the smallest dog cage was too big and would not allow her to feel secure in a strange place, (my apt. her new home).  There was a bird store across from the vets office and I brought her there and bought her a pigeon cage.  It was perfect.   

I took her home to meet her other dad again  and he loved her right away.  I then was going to take her for her first walk, albeit short because of her being so weak.  To me she was so beautiful,that we decided we would call her Lilly, because we had faith she would blossom into a beautiful flower after a while.   Sadly  anyone with a dog, would pull them away from her for fear of their dog catching what she had.  Demodectic is not contagious, as it is from a weakened immune system and stress, both of which she had .  Other people, of course didn't know this, and wouldn't allow their dogs near her.  I was very sad, but we gave her so much attention inside, that I hoped she wouldn't feel sad also.  

She screamed all night the first night, but I held my hand in her cage and she finally fell asleep with her tiny head in my hand through the cage door.  

My husband was worried she wouldn't make it, and that I'd be heartbroken, but I just knew she would.  She ate a little, began to respond and not hide, and started staring at me all of the time.  Anywhere I went she dragged her weakened body to follow me.  She was a trooper with the cream, and ultimately the toxic baths and unbearably painful weekly skin scrapings.  She would sleep for a day after each time, as the medicine is that toxic.  I'd just lay down on the floor with her, and rub her scabbed skin, hoping she might have some hair growth one day.  The nurses at the vets all would always shake their head , assuring me that anything is possible.  

Eight weeks into the baths and skin scrapings the Dr. came into the office with a huge smile.  He said, "Unbelievably, your little dog has some new hair growth.  He was so happy, but shocked.  I was happy, but knew all along Lilly was going to be with me for a long time.  Her hair grew so thick over the months to come, and in the most beautiful dappled colors.  She began to make friends at the park, and was getting very strong and becoming very funny.  

She learned every trick she ever knew all in one day, as I sat with her and laughed because she kept giving me her paw over and over so I would kiss her again.  

Part three tomorrow....when dad's divorce.

JUST BITE ME.....: Lilly's story.....part one.

JUST BITE ME.....: Lilly's story.....part one.: "Is that a baby pig?", I said to myself as I walked past the now closed pet store on Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood,   I nev...

Lilly's story.....part one.

"Is that a baby pig?", I said to myself as I walked past the now closed pet store on Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood,   I never go into pet stores because they depress me, and make me truly angry,  as I watch the dogs and cats in what seems to be one step away from  hell.

For some reason I was drawn in, just to see if the pink little animal that was in the cage,  that seemed to be way in the back of the store far  away from the other cages,  was truly a pig.   To my shock it was a little puppy, who looked at me as if to say, "Please help".  The sign on the cage said "male double dappled dachshund reduced for quick sale, 7 months old".  This creature looked like it was a week old, never mind 7 months.

I had just had a heart attack a few weeks before (congenital, I wasn't even 40 yet).  I could feel my heart racing and I literally had to pop a nitro and leave the store.  I walked home and was so upset that my ex husband could see something was wrong.  I told him and begged him to come back to the store  with me.  He had just walked in from the office and was tired, but he saw the distress I was in and he said, "Sure, let's go."

We walked the 3 or 4 blocks back to the store, but it was already closed.  I told him I wanted the puppy,  would it be OK if I went again tomorrow to look and possibly buy him?  He said something like ,"Jimmy, do you know what it is like to say no to you when you think what you are doing is the right thing?" in an effort to make me smile.  I never slept a wink that night.

The next day I called my friend George up and asked if he would come to look at the puppy with me, and help me if I were to buy him.  He was happy to, but had to do it on his lunch hour which was at 1pm.  I could wait, as I needed to try to calm myself before going there anyway.

I met George there at exactly 1, and showed him the male puppy that had not a hair on it body, due to non treatment of mange.  George assured me that I needed to buy the puppy, and it was a good move, but that mange that bad was going to be a challenge.
I went to the owner, who I wasn't  even trying to pretend to be kind to, and asked, " How much is that puppy?...She said, "He is going to be put down because of his mange, but honestly someone came in this morning at 8am today to look at him also."  I said,  "You are putting him down and someone else has looked at him after 7 months?"  She said , "Yes",  and told me his name.  It was of course my ex husband.  I told her so, and she asked if I was Jimmy.  I answered, "Yes and I would like to buy him.", to which she replied "well he is $1000.00 with papers."

I assured her that if she didn't accept the $300 that I had in my pocket, that I would call every paper in town, file a report at city hall, and call the Humane Society with a detailed report on her animal hell that she was running , that was made pretty with a neon sign in the window.

Her brute of a husband who resembled Dawg the Bounty Hunter told her to take the $300. and call it a day.

I now had a very sick FEMALE dachshund.  These people didn't even know what gender she was!
I purchased a leash, and,  as I was leaving the woman said,  "I hope you will treat her well."  I bit my tongue, as I wanted to say , "Lady, if I tossed her into a trash can for tomorrows pickup, I will  have treated her better than you ever have."

I didn't have a name for my new dog yet,  and  when her feet touched the ground she started shaking.  She had never been out of her cage for 7 months I was later told by an ex employee.  Her feet were not used to solid ground.  I took her immediately to the vet.

part two tomorrow.

Monday, December 1, 2014